Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Solar Energy Power

Wh­at do you need to power your house with solar energy? Although it's not as simple as just slapping some modules on your roof, it's not extremely difficult to do, either. Solar panels need to be inclined at an angle as close to a homes position or latitude as possible to absorb the maximum amount of sunlight energy year-round. You can find weather data that gives average monthly sunlight levels for different geographical areas on the internet and use that to determine where to put solar panels and how many you might need for a certain amount of energy. The electricity generated by a solar system is direct current, so you'll need an inverter to convert it into alternating current. All your household products and appliance use alternating current or AC and the inverter is a necessary part of the system. Solar cells have become widely used in many applications and as prices fall and energy prices surge the technology and materials needed will become more accessible to homeowners. Solar cells will be a required part of an integrated home hybrid system and will be a key part of home energy use.

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