Saturday, June 30, 2012

Wind Power In Oklahoma

Wind Power comes in different shapes and sizes. This article shows that different wind designs can still produce enough power for home or commercial needs. Be sure to follow the link to see this unique wind turbine that won't harm birds!

Courtesy of


At more than 18 feet tall, the helical-shaped wind turbines will provide more than 85,500 kilowatt hours of electricity per year to the energy-hungry research facility.
“We believe that we’ll be the only research institute anywhere that generates a lot of its energy by wind power,” said Dr. Stephen Prescott, OMRF’s president. “Research buildings are notorious energy hogs.”
Prescott said the 18 rooftop turbines play a dual role in symbolizing the foundation’s efforts to sustain life through medical research and the building’s efforts to be energy efficient. Along with the wind turbines, the research tower features a “living roof” of native Oklahoma prairie plants and grasses.
“Wind turbines are a symbol of what we do, but the important thing is the scientists that are inside our buildings carrying out our experiments,” Prescott said.
Part of the funding for the $1 million wind turbine project came from McAlester’s The Puterbaugh Foundation. J.G. Puterbaugh, a coal magnate in Eastern Oklahoma for much of the 20th century, was the first president of OMRF.
Oklahoma Supreme Court Chief Justice Steven Taylor, chairman of the Puterbaugh Foundation, said he thought J.G. Puterbaugh would enjoy seeing the foundation’s coal money being used for renewable wind power.

Read more:

Large wind turbines are in the line of fire from animal activists who are revealing the amount of deaths caused to birds and bats by the towers. Wind Power is becoming more popular daily both on the consumer and industrial level. Check out some local providers for information.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Alternative Energy in the Future

Amory Lovins is the author of a new book, "Reinventing Fire" in which he describes a new paradigm of efficient energy usage. He outlines a goal of moving the country and the world towards an energy system that relies more on alternative energies and more efficient power consumption. He believes that no government mandate is necessary as businesses and individuals can make the conscious decisions to integrate four energy using sectors. Check out the story below:

Ted Logo

 The world's #1 problem is Energy The obvious first step in solving this critical problem is to develop a comprehensive, well thought out, technically accurate LONG TERM plan. There is such a plan today and it is the only one that I am aware of that has been done in such a comprehensive manner as to take into account most if not all of the multiple-level consequences (i.e. unintended consequences) of each action. Below is a video that clearly outlines the plan and lays it out for all to see. Everyone who is interested in the future of our planet and the welfare of our children and grand children needs to see this and pass it on so as many people as possible can learn of this and be aware of how we can address our #1 problem with a plan that is truly a new paradigm in energy. The plan is: 1. Simple 2. Straight Forward 3. Does NOT need ANY Government subsidies 4. Does not need any new legislation or Government involvement 5. Does not need any new technology break-through's 6. Can be done by business for a HUGE profit....and 7 Is a plan that would be truly bi-partisan and will benefit ALL Americans

This is an inspiring look at a great future in a world where energy and production can grow hand in hand. Alternative Energy can save our planet!

Monday, June 25, 2012

DIY Solar Energy Video

Solar Energy Sometimes the idea of installing a home Solar Energy system seems complicated and out of the range of skills for the average homeowner. This video by FenceKid shows how one person has installed a solar system in his home and wired it for basic use.


This is a crude setup that doesn't attempt to hide wiring or place the battery storage in a protected area. However it makes it easy to see the connections between the panels and the places where you actually are able to use the power for appliances in the home. The devices he uses to monitor the power usage and battery storage are explained in a simple fashion and allows for easy understanding. You can imagine how you might set up a system in your own home to power your own power needs! Think about what it might take to install your own system and begin to design a way to reduce your grid dependence!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Solar Panel Prices

Solar Panel Prices Have Fallen!

Here's a great example of Solar Power being brought into use for family homes. Solar panels are the number one way to lower your exposure to grid prices and problems. Every year there are brown-outs and cutbacks on the power supply to areas that need it most. It's time to start thinking about alternative energy sources for your own home.

Greater New Orleans


Energy-saving solar panels crop up in new Central City homes.

Published: Sunday, June 24, 2012, 9:00 AM

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Green Energy

Green Energy is in the news!

The move towards alternative energy sources continues to ramp up as the world expands and more  people use more energy every day. There are a lot of mixed views on the viability and costs of these different sources. Here's some good news about Solar energy.

Green energy saving environment, money

By Justin McClelland, Staff Writer10:01 PM Friday, June 22, 2012
Home and business owners who have adopted solar power as an alternative energy source have found the devices are not only helping reduce their carbon footprints but creating opportunities for profit.
Mike Eason said there’s nothing like going outside and watching his electric meter roll backwards, putting money in his pocket.
“You’ll be shocked at how fast it goes on a summer day,” Eason said.
Cherigene Slaughter of Middletown said she saw her electric bill drop from $180 a month to $20 after she installed 30 solar panels in her backyard.
“I believe we have to have renewable energy to save the planet,” Slaughter said. “It’s very expensive right now, but the more people do it, I believe the cheaper it will become.”
Proponents say solar energy offers a virtually limitless alternative energy source to fossil fuels, which has a finite amount and causes pollution.
Solar energy is still used by less than 600,000 homes in the U.S. but the number of users jumped by 109 percent, or 340,000 homes, in 2011, according to Solar Energy Industries Association.

As people move towards Green Energy the advantages are becoming more obvious. Save money, save the environment, break away from big oil, and help make the world better!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Heat Is On!

Alternative Energy is on the rise but the best way to save money now is by adjusting your energy use in your existing environment. Here's some advice from reporter Stephanie Lacy.

Tips on Saving Money while Trying to Stay Cool

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WGGB) — The first day of summer is upon us, and with it, comes the first day of 90 degrees. With fans and air conditioners at full throttle, National Grid is providing a list of tips to help customers lower their energy consumption and save on bills.
Tips to save energy and money this summer include:
• Draw blinds, shades, drapes – Close window dressings to block the sunlight during the hottest part of the day, especially on south and west-facing windows.
 Adjust the thermostat – Adjusting your thermostat a few degrees can lead to big savings on your bill. National Grid recommends a setting of 78 degrees or higher. Remember to keep the air flowing freely by replacing air filters.
 Use programmable thermostats – Use of programmable thermostats optimizes air conditioning systems, helping to boost energy savings. National Grid offers a $25 rebate for each seven-day programmable thermostat that you install (maximum two per household).
Change air conditioner settings and filter – The lower you set your temperature on your air conditioner, the more costly it is to operate. For example, a 75-degree setting will cost about 18 percent more than a 78 degree setting. Set the thermostat on your air conditioner as high as comfort will permit. In addition, check your air conditioner filter and replace or clean it if it is clogged.
While it's not that hot in Springfield it's plenty hot in other parts of the country. Adding solar panels, wind turbines and passive designs can significantly lower your energy costs. Until you can work on those Alternative Energy solutions try some of these simple efforts to save money. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Solar Energy

Solar Energy Facts

People are often misinformed by the media about the true facts of the benefits and costs of Solar Energy. Here's a great article from PV magazine about some myths and truths regarding the great alternative to grid-tied power!

Infographic: Setting the solar story straight
Solar myths infographic by pv magazine Read more:

Setting the solar story straight

With the ability to be rapidly deployed and scaled, featuring powerful output and environmentally friendly practices, solar is the superhero of renewable energy. pv magazine has launched a crusade against the misinformation and myths often spread about photovoltaic technology. It’s called the solar superhero campaign and the weapon of choice used to shatter the PV myths? Super solar facts.
Coinciding with this year's Intersolar Europe eventpv magazine will be publishing an ever-growing cache of material: infographics, analyses, a PowerPoint presentation, articles, and much more. Over the next few months a battery of information will be collected to be used by solar superheroes everywhere. Make sure you stay informed and join our crusade!

Read more:

The use of Solar Power is a great a now affordable alternative energy source. Find out more about how you can start to use Solar panels on your own home.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Solar Energy

Solar Energy Solar energy is by far the most widely used alternative energy source. With the increased production of solar cells and panels the prices have dropped by more than a third and will continue to do so unless politicians change the course. This article by a Wall Street journalist highlights some of the benefits that are evident.

 June 18, 2012 THE JOURNAL REPORT: INNOVATIONS IN ENERGY The Enlightened Classroom School districts are using solar power to cut their energy bills—and cope with budget cuts By JIM CARLTON Solar power has long been touted for its environmental impact. But now it has a new role: saving teachers' jobs. More in Innovations in Energy School districts across the country are turning to solar power to cut their electricity costs. With the money they're saving, they are able to retain more teachers and programs in the face of budget cuts. As a bonus, some schools are using solar installations to teach kids about renewable energy. More than 500 K-12 schools in 43 states have installed solar panels, many of them over the past three years as solar-power costs have fallen by more than one-third, according to estimates by the Solar Energy Industries Association, a trade group in Washington, D.C., and GTM Research, a Greentech Media Inc. unit in Boston. "It really is one of the fastest-growing markets and probably will have the most impact in our society, because it will put money back into more teachers and expand education," says Rhone Resch, president and chief executive officer of the Solar Energy Industries Association.

 More at:

 Solar energy is a valuable alternative to grid-tied electricity and is becoming more attractive as prices decrease. Check out your local area for prices and installation.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Solar Power

Solar energy Is on the rise

PS10 solar power tower
By afloresm (SOLUCAR PS10) [CC-BY-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
This stunning solar energy Plant produces 11 megawatts of power!

A new report on the state of the solar industry in America indicates that despite a global oversupply and a potential trade war with China, the U.S. solar industry had its second-best quarter ever in terms of installations, during the first quarter of 2012.
The number of installations, 506 megawatts worth, enough to power just over 350,000 homes, was bested only by the fourth quarter of 2011, which saw a whopping 708 megawatts worth of solar installed.
On top of that, the report, drafted by clean-energy market analysis firm GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association and released Tuesday, a trade group, forecasts that total U.S. installed solar power will increase 75 percent his year alone, with 3.3 gigawatts-worth of solar power installed, compared to the 4.4 gigawatts that are currently installed in the country and were added over years of development.

More at:

A lot of news lately is talking about the loss of Solar company jobs and the possible rise in the cost of panels if the U.S. and China start a trade war. However the industry is in a major growth phase. Check out how you can add Solar to your home here.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Home Energy

Solar Power For The Home

As the prices for Solar energy continue to fall more homeowners will be able to think about integrating the technology into their power needs.

U.S. Secretary of Energy gives CO props for solar energy

9:20 AM, Jun 14, 2012 

KUSA - It's a big weekend for solar-energy resource awareness in Colorado. 9NEWS spoke with the United States Secretary of Energy Dr. Steven Chu who came to Denver to announce new efforts to drive grid-parity solar - to get the solar costs the same as other forms of energy - within the decade.

This is all a part of the Energy Department's SunShot Initiative, which aims to drive solar to cost-competition with other energy sources by 2020.

Solar power continues to be the number one alternative energy source. This article underscores the drive to Solar power as a means to free the country from it's addiction to fossil fuels.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Home Energy Assessment

Home Energy is a topic that everyone is thinking about. A great way to get started with saving money on your energy bills is to take a look at your home energy use. This great article from the U.S. Department of Energy gives some great tips for the process.

Do-It-Yourself Home Energy Assessments

You can easily conduct a do-it-yourself home energy assessment (also known as a home energy audit). With a simple but diligent walk-through, you can spot many problems in any type of house. When assessing your home, keep a checklist of areas you have inspected and problems you found. This list will help you prioritize your energy efficiency upgrades.

Locating Air Leaks

First, make a list of obvious air leaks (drafts). The potential energy savings from reducing drafts in a home may range from 5% to 30% per year, and the home is generally much more comfortable afterward. Check for indoor air leaks, such as gaps along the baseboard or edge of the flooring and at junctures of the walls and ceiling. Check to see if air can flow through these places:
  • Electrical outlets
  • Switch plates
  • Window frames
  • Baseboards
  • Weather stripping around doors
  • Fireplace dampers
  • Attic hatches
  • Wall- or window-mounted air conditioners.
Also look for gaps around pipes and wires, electrical outlets, foundation seals, and mail slots. Check to see if the caulking and weather stripping are applied properly, leaving no gaps or cracks, and are in good condition.
Inspect windows and doors for air leaks. See if you can rattle them, since movement means possible air leaks. If you can see daylight around a door or window frame, then the door or window leaks. You can usually seal these leaks by caulking or weather stripping them. Check the storm windows to see if they fit and are not broken. You may also wish to consider replacing your old windows and doors with newer, high-performance ones. If new factory-made doors or windows are too costly, you can install low-cost plastic sheets over the windows.
If you are having difficulty locating leaks, you may want to conduct a basic building pressurization test:
  1. First, close all exterior doors, windows, and fireplace flues.
  2. Turn off all combustion appliances such as gas burning furnaces and water heaters.
  3. Then turn on all exhaust fans (generally located in the kitchen and bathrooms) or use a large window fan to suck the air out of the rooms.
This test increases infiltration through cracks and leaks, making them easier to detect. You can use incense sticks or your damp hand to locate these leaks. If you use incense sticks, moving air will cause the smoke to waver, and if you use your damp hand, any drafts will feel cool to your hand.
On the outside of your house, inspect all areas where two different building materials meet, including:
  • All exterior corners
  • Where siding and chimneys meet
  • Areas where the foundation and the bottom of exterior brick or siding meet.
You should plug and caulk holes or penetrations for faucets, pipes, electric outlets, and wiring. Look for cracks and holes in the mortar, foundation, and siding, and sealthem with the appropriate material. Check the exterior caulking around doors and windows, and see whether exterior storm doors and primary doors seal tightly.
When sealing any home, you must always be aware of the danger of indoor air pollution and combustion appliance "backdrafts." Backdrafting is when the various combustion appliances and exhaust fans in the home compete for air. An exhaust fan may pull the combustion gases back into the living space. This can obviously create a very dangerous and unhealthy situation in the home.
In homes where a fuel is burned (i.e., natural gas, fuel oil, propane, or wood) for heating, be certain the appliance has an adequate air supply. Generally, one square inch of vent opening is required for each 1,000 Btu of appliance input heat. When in doubt, contact your local utility company, energy professional, or ventilationcontractor.


Heat loss through the ceiling and walls in your home could be very large if theinsulation levels are less than the recommended minimum. When your house was built, the builder likely installed the amount of insulation recommended at that time. Given today's energy prices (and future prices that will probably be higher), the level of insulation might be inadequate, especially if you have an older home.
If the attic hatch is located above a conditioned space, check to see if it is at least as heavily insulated as the attic, is weather stripped, and closes tightly. In the attic, determine whether openings for items such as pipes, ductwork, and chimneys are sealed. Seal any gaps with an expanding foam caulk or some other permanent sealant.
While you are inspecting the attic, check to see if there is a vapor barrier under the attic insulation. The vapor barrier might be tarpaper, Kraft paper attached to fiberglass batts, or a plastic sheet. If there does not appear to be a vapor barrier, you might consider painting the interior ceilings with vapor barrier paint. This reduces the amount of water vapor that can pass through the ceiling. Large amounts of moisture can reduce the effectiveness of insulation and promote structural damage.
Make sure that the attic vents are not blocked by insulation. You also should seal any electrical boxes in the ceiling with flexible caulk (from the living room side or attic side) and cover the entire attic floor with at least the current recommended amount of insulation.
Checking a wall's insulation level is more difficult. Select an exterior wall and turn off the circuit breaker or unscrew the fuse for any outlets in the wall. Be sure to test the outlets to make certain that they are not "hot." Check the outlet by plugging in a functioning lamp or portable radio. Once you are sure your outlets are not getting any electricity, remove the cover plate from one of the outlets and gently probe into the wall with a thin, long stick or screwdriver. If you encounter a slight resistance, you have some insulation there. You could also make a small hole in a closet, behind a couch, or in some other unobtrusive place to see what, if anything, the wall cavity is filled with. Ideally, the wall cavity should be totally filled with some form of insulation material. Unfortunately, this method cannot tell you if the entire wall is insulated, or if the insulation has settled. Only a thermographic inspection can do this.
If your basement is unheated, determine whether there is insulation under the living area flooring. In most areas of the country, an R-value of 25 is the recommended minimum level of insulation. The insulation at the top of the foundation wall and first floor perimeter should have an R-value of 19 or greater. If the basement is heated, the foundation walls should be insulated to at least R-19. Your water heater, hot water pipes, and furnace ducts should all be insulated. For more information, see ourinsulation section.

Heating/Cooling Equipment

Inspect heating and cooling equipment annually, or as recommended by the manufacturer. If you have a forced-air furnace, check your filters and replace them as needed. Generally, you should change them about once every month or two, especially during periods of high usage. Have a professional check and clean your equipment once a year.
If the unit is more than 15 years old, you should consider replacing your system with one of the newer, energy-efficient units. A new unit would greatly reduce your energy consumption, especially if the existing equipment is in poor condition. Check your ductwork for dirt streaks, especially near seams. These indicate air leaks, and they should be sealed with a duct mastic. Insulate any ducts or pipes that travel through unheated spaces. An insulation R-Value of 6 is the recommended minimum.


Energy for lighting accounts for about 10% of your electric bill. Examine the wattage size of the light bulbs in your house. You may have 100-watt (or larger) bulbs where 60 or 75 watts would do. You should also consider compact fluorescent lamps for areas where lights are on for hours at a time. Your electric utility may offer rebates or other incentives for purchasing energy-efficient lamps.

As the world continues to demand more power for our burgeoning population more people are starting to become interested in hybrid energy as an alternate means of supplying power to the home. Solar panels are the most popular means of adding an energy source and the lower prices are making the process more attractive. Check out your own home now to see how much power you are using and how you can save.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Hydrogen Fuel News

A lot of recent news about Solar energy has been decidedly negative leading many to believe that the Solar industry is on the decline. However the reality is far different. Solar energy has never been more prominent in the energy industry and will experience major growth in the near future.
Here is a recent story from Hydrogen Fuel News.

Solar energy to beat out fossil-fuels by 2017 BY TAMI HOOD – MAY 25, 2012 POSTED IN: ALTERNATIVE ENERGY, FEATURED NEWS, INDUSTRY, RESEARCH, SOLAR ENERGY Support for solar energy could spell major shift in energy landscape There is no shortage of good news concerning solar energy, which suggests that the industry is currently joining a period of prosperity. The number of solar energy projects continues to grow as the world’s governments show more support for the alternative energy. Financial incentives abound for consumers and businesses interested in adopting solar energy, which has only added more momentum to the growth of the industry. A new report from GlobalData, a strategic business intelligence firm, shows that a veritable perfect storm may have formed for the solar energy industry, which could mean rapid and expansive progress throughout the industry. Falling cost of energy production could make solar trump fossil-fuels According to the report, the sheer number of solar energy installations is driving down the cost of energy generation. This cost is falling so quickly that by 2017 solar energy is expected to be more affordable than fossil-fuels. This would make solar energy the most affordable form of power, supplying strong competition for other forms of alternative energy and perhaps signaling the end of fossil-fuels. Industry growth backed by support from the U.S. and China The report shows that the solar energy industry has grown by over 100% between the years of 2009 and 2011. Much of this growth was powered by the U.S. and China, where solar energy has been gaining a great deal of support from the governments of these countries. Because of this support, solar energy projects have been able to flourish, allowing the price of energy production to drop drastically. The report suggests that this trend will continue into 2017, when solar energy will become more viable than traditional power systems. Growth expected to persist for the next five years Solar energy accounts for 14% of the world’s alternative energy capacity, making it one of the largest forms of sustainable power. It is considered to be the fastest growing renewable energy source currently available, overshadowing the growth seen in the wind and hydrogen fuel industries. GlobalData’s report suggests that the solar energy industry will see a compound annual growth rate of 56% over the next five years, as long as support persists.

 As prices continue to drop and methods for adding a solar system to your home become more viable it might be a good idea to consider lowering your exposure to the grid by installing a small solar system. The great thing about Solar power is that you can expend it's use at any time by adding more panels. The future is coming. Watch closely!

Do You Think That The Cost Of Adding Alternative Energy To Your Home Is Too Hight?

Hybrid Energy for the Home